Currently: Back at school. Doing some laundry. Same old shit. But good news; it's the final countdown!! Three more weeks until this hell of a semester is over. I know for sure that these upcoming weeks are going to be harsh on my body and my health, but as i've stated many times before, i'm going to try my best to bang the rest of those puny three weeks out. As a matter of fact, in a few i'm about to continue studying for my FINAL kinesiology lab practical which is this friday, as well as read an article that I have to write about for my psychosocial paper final. Tommorrow night is going to suck hardcore. I have to type up part 6 of my Medical Science sickle cell disease paper, and haven't even started writing a rough draft yet. On the bright side, I do have a strong thesis for the paper, and hopefully that can assist me in bull-shitting the rest of it. *sigh* Why?
Mood: Blah.
Want of the day: That I use my time wisely.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Saturday, Nov. 29, 2008
Currently: Leaving for school again today. Blah. I'm feeling lazy right now, but I really have to wake myself up to be ready for this 15 hour bus ride. In a few, after I eat something, i'm going to put some gas in my car, pick up some cigs and go do my eyebrows. After that i'm doing my hair. Once i'm done running those small errands, i'm just going to hang around until later on when I have to leave. Right now i'm listening to "Don't Cry" by Olivia Broadfield...I feel this song really sums up my life.
Mood: Blah.
Want of the day: That everything works out okay.
Mood: Blah.
Want of the day: That everything works out okay.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Friday, Nov. 28, 2008
Currently: I was a lazy bum today. Haha. Literally, all I did was eat, sleep, listen to music, smoke...and eat some more! But I did finally gather up enough strength to study a little bit. I'm glad that I was at least able to do that. I figure that i'll be doing most of my school work on sunday when I get back anyways. Last night I also was able to drink more than half of that Alize bottle that I had gotten on Wednesday.Haha. Unfortunately, since I don't know much about which drink has what amount of alcohol content (I just drink, I could care less about the details), the drink that I had gotten turned out to only be 16% needlesss to say, although I had drank half that bottle, it still did absolutely nothing for me but make me sleepy. It was tasty though...but still, what a waste of money! Haha. I'll know better next time. Anyways, about to continue being a bum until I brush my teeth, shower and call it a night. Toodles.
Mood: Bummy.
Want of the day: Ahhh...whatever.
Mood: Bummy.
Want of the day: Ahhh...whatever.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thursday, Nov. 27, 2008
Currently: What a crazy thanksgiving yours truly had. First, this morning father dearest starts getting on my ass about smoking. I got so upset at that point, that I decided to take a drive around town. I parked near this nice little park and hung out there long enough to put myself back together. But wait, there's more. I come back home and everything's fine at first, but then my aunt comes over and her and father dearest just go back and forth yelling at each other. Next thing you know, my grandmother's eating and her face starts to droop and she passes out. Father dearest throws a hissy fit and starts yelling in the old lady's ear as he's trying to move her towards the front door. So then my aunt tells me to call 911 and I do, but can barely hear the operator because my aunt and father dearest are STILL yelling at each other. The ambulance finally arrives and takes my grandmother to the hospital. Father dearest then takes my aunt to the hospital as well, all the while complaining about not wanting to go to the hospital everyday next week. *sigh* Drama queens. All in all, it has been (expectedly) a chaotic thanksgiving and i'm glad it's over. On the bright side, yesterday I was able to get some liquor for myself...haha. I'm sure that will be put to good use these upcoming weeks. Happy Thanksgiving!!
Mood: Wow.
Want of the day: That no more chaos ensues.
Mood: Wow.
Want of the day: That no more chaos ensues.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Tuesday, Nov. 25, 2008
Currently: Just hanging around the apartment until it's time for me to hop on the Greyhound bus to my homeland. Blah. I'd much rather be sleeping...or partying...right now. Anyways, i'm also about to check to see if statistics is cancelled for tonight. I mean, that would make sense, because half our class probably already left town! But if class isn't cancelled, I figured i'd go anyways, just to get my money's worth. I know, i'm cheap, get over it. So...that's about it. There's not really much more for me to say.
Mood: Blah.
Want of the day: To eat something yummy later...and maybe not feel so blah.
Mood: Blah.
Want of the day: To eat something yummy later...and maybe not feel so blah.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Monday, Nov. 24, 2008
Currently: Last night was decent. I was transitioned into bylaws and Rituals chair, eventhough i'm on poor standing. Afterwards, I went out with some of my sisters to a Bar. Surprisingly, not that many people were out last night. The Bar in particular was half-empty. It was still fun enough though. I took over six shots of some mixed drink and had another round of Long Island iced tea...I think that's now becoming my second favorite cocktail besides mai tais. Haha. Anyways, sitting at work right now. After i'm done here, i'm going to go to the library and start research for my Neuroscience paper, Medical Science paper and Psych/soc. final. After that, i'm going back to the apartment and crashing. I really don't know what else i'll be doing for the remainder of this day. Tommorrow evening I am leaving for home.
Mood: Tired.
Want of the day: To take a nap.
Mood: Tired.
Want of the day: To take a nap.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Sunday, Nov. 23, 2008
Currently: I was finally able to celebrate my 21st the right way! Haha. Friday night was a blast. I first had a pint of long island iced tea at the Bar and then about ten shots of a different assortment of drinks at the club. After the last shot I was gone. I was bouncing up and down, dancing and laughing everywhere...oh, and I hugged and kissed quite a few people, too. Haha. I even hugged a girl in my class whom I don't even like. Haha. That just goes to show how lovable I get when i'm wasted. I was dancing like such a slut too...which of course led me to receiving some 1/2 wanted, 1/2 unwanted make a long story short, I ended up making out with a random guy named Phil (ha! I remembered his name!)right on the dance-floor...this is the second time I have ever done something like that. It was mucho fun though. I also remember after making out with him a few times, not wanting to let him go. Haha! WOW! My poor friend Cara had to pry me away from him so I wouldn't get raped. I had so much fun though...but needless to say, I get home at 2 in the morning and puke for God knows how long and then pass out on the bathroom floor for a good while and wake up to see it's already 7 in the morning! Now, is that rockstar status or what? I really do amaze myself sometimes. I spent all of yesterday recovering and all of today...just chilling out. I did complete my article review for the paper though, and turned that in. I also looked at my Kinesiology lab notes a little bit. In a few, i'm about to head out to my sorority meeting. Tonight some of my sisters may be going to the Bar to celebrate Transitions tonight...i'm kind of hoping that they do. Hey, another round at the Bar won't hurt...will it?
Mood: Splendiferous!Haha.
Want of the day: To perhaps go to a nifty Bar tonight for some drinks?
Mood: Splendiferous!Haha.
Want of the day: To perhaps go to a nifty Bar tonight for some drinks?
Friday, November 21, 2008
Friday, Nov. 21, 2008
Currently: Wow. I haven't been able to update in a few days because that frickin Psych/soc. Activities File has been my life for the past few days. Thankfully, I have completed it and turned it in. I also managed to pull a C+ on that statistics test that I was oh so worried about. So yay for me this week. Anyways, sitting in the library for now. In a few, i'm about to go get something to eat and then go to Kinesiology lab. After that, i'm hanging around campus for a little bit until 4:00 pm when I have to go do my hair. After that, i'm going back to the apartment and crashing for awhile. It's been a tough and crazy week and I really need this nap. I haven't even been able to properly celebrate my i'm doing that tonight. My friend Cara and I plan to go to a club and drink, drink, drink the night away! Haha. I will so need and deserve this, so i'm looking forward to that. I was asked today if i'll be at our little social mixer tonight with the ZBT's, but I can't go to that, as I am on poor standing and can't attend any socials, so going to the club instead will definitely make up for that. I have also been thinking about whether or not I should go home for thanksgiving. I mean, I kind of want to, but at the same time, i'm not really in the mood for a 15 hour Greyhound ride...I don't know, I may go anyways, just to put more stress on my body. We all know how much I love doing that! Haha. So that should be it, for now. Toodles.
Mood: Blah.
Want of the day: That I have fun tonight.
Mood: Blah.
Want of the day: That I have fun tonight.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Tuesday, Nov. 18, 2008
Currently: Happy birthday to me!!! Oficially 21 today. Unfortunately, it has been a very shitty birthday for myself. Took my statistics test yesterday and probably bombed it. Yea, it was that bad. See, I studied for an hour before I took the test, and thought to myself "hmph, this all seems easy enough for me," but then I get the test and am like "WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!" So needless to say, that put me in a pretty bad mood for the remainder of last night. Anyways, right now I am in the library. I'm about to continue working on my pscyh/soc. Activities File. I'm not even sure if i'm going to get much to eat, as I have absolutely no appetite for some reason today. I couldn't even finish my muffin this morning. That made me sad. Anyways, after psych/soc lecture, I have Service Learning pt. 2!!! YAY!!! NOT! Immediately following that, i'll be back at the library typing up my Service Learning journal for today. In between I may also stop by the newspaper office to pick up a cake that my friend Sara is making for me. Thanks, Sara.=) At least someone cares. After that, i'll be back at the library, continuing work on the Activities File. After that, i'm going back to the apartment to work on part of my Kinesiology paper and then...i'm probably going to call it a night. Some 21st that is, huh? *sigh*
Mood: Blah.
Want of the day: That everything works out okay, and that I continue being productive.
Mood: Blah.
Want of the day: That everything works out okay, and that I continue being productive.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Monday, Nov. 17, 2008
Currently: So it is my birthday-eve. *faded, unenthusiastic "yay"* Yea. Right now I am sitting at work and working on my psyc/soc. activity file. I should be going out to get something to eat snowed by the way, so walking to work this morning was quite shitty. I plan to work on the activity file for a few more hours and then continue studying for my statistics test which i'm taking immediately after work. After that i'm going to continue work on the Activities File and then go to "Greek 200" for the sorority. After that mess, I guess I could work on the Activities File for a little while longer (I really need as much time as I could get on this one)and then go back to the apartment and do whatever else until I go to bed. I'm a little excited that i'll finally be 21 tommorrow, but at the same time, it feels like it's going to be very anti-climactic. We'll see, I guess.
Mood: Blah.
Want of the day: That everything works out okay and that I do well on that statistics test.
Mood: Blah.
Want of the day: That everything works out okay and that I do well on that statistics test.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Sunday, Nov. 16, 2008
Currently: So I have been put on poor standing in my sorority. This all happened over the fact that I missed this afternoon's meeting...which I thought was actually going to be at 5:00 yea, once again my stupidity has gotten me into trouble. So now I owe the sorority $5 for being "unexcused" and won't be able to transition into my duties as bylaws and rituals chair until December 14...I also am not allowed to attend our formal on Saturday, or the ZBT mixer the night before. This really sucks. You know, I never thought that I would take any of this sorority stuff seriously, but surely it has gotten to me. I will get over this though, as I do everything else. Needless to say, i'm going to have a shitty 21st birthday. I have so much work to do this week. Tommorrow I am taking my statistics test at 4:00, tuesday (my brithday) I have to do Service Learning right after psych/soc. lecture, and then I have an Activities File due for that class thursday afternoon, as well as part 2 of my Kinesiology paper due on friday. Ahhhh, I love my life. Not. I'm listening to the Cure right now. And that's it.
Mood: Blah.
Want of the day: I don't care.
Mood: Blah.
Want of the day: I don't care.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Saturday, Nov. 15, 2008
Currently: Today was once again rainy and yucky...but a very productive one for myself. I first had an interview with our District President and it went well, overall. I just wish our DP wasn't so damn weird! I swear, she's one strange person. She's the type that says something to you one minute and then pauses and gives you blank stares the next. There was also a point during the interview when she asked me a yes or no question and I didn't really answer with a yes or no and she retorted "You either have to give me a yes or a no!!" yea, talk about anal. But anyways, after that fiasco I came back to the apartment and took an hour nap. After that I went back to the house to meet up for one of our sisters Indian New Year's celebration. It was a nice event...I just wished that some of the people who attended didn't have sticks up their asses...but again, I ignored them and made the best of it. Indian food is very...interesting tasting. For one, i'm not really feeling the sweet and savory combination that they tend to integrate into the foods...but that's just me. Anyways, right now i'm having a beer (I know it's no booze or boys weekend, but i'm drinking by myself, so it doesn't count!) and listening to the Deftones. Good times.
Mood: Okay.
Want of the day: Aaaah, that's pointless right now.
Mood: Okay.
Want of the day: Aaaah, that's pointless right now.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Friday, Nov. 14, 2008
Currently: Just came from taking my Neuroscience test. It was a very difficult test, but since I stayed up last night until 2:00 in the morning studying, I feel like I got a little bit of an upper hand on it. Pretty much, I think I did decently on it...not saying I got an A or anything, but i'm predicting maybe a C+ to a B. We'll see about that. Anyways, hanging in the library for now. In like an hour and a half or so, i'm going to get something to eat, and then I have Kinesiology lab to go to. In between, i'm going to stop by the bookstore to get a binder that I will need to complete my "Activities File" for psych/soc. And then after lab, i'm stopping by the Dollar Store to get a few things that I need. After that, i'm heading back to the apartment, and will most likely take a nap as soon as I get there. After that, i'm going to study a little bit for statistics, and then I have to go to a DVD-watching thingy for my sorority, because our District President is visiting this weekend. And expectedly, because of her visit, we are also having a "no booze or boys" weekend, which is good for me, cause I really need to study for statistics, as well as work on my Activities File for psyc/soc., which is in itself a whole lot of work. After the DVD viewing, i'll be back at the apartment again, studying, working on things and overall being a good student. I also have to register for Spring classes tonight, which hopefully won't take up too much time. *sigh* And that is it.
Mood: Blah.
Want of the day: That everything works out okay.
Mood: Blah.
Want of the day: That everything works out okay.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Thursday, Nov. 13, 2008
Currently: Today has been okay, I guess. It rained this morning and has been cloudy all day, which made for a pretty sloppy day...but for me personally, it's been productive. I re-took my lab practical today and pretty much, my professor thinks that i'm getting all the material down pretty well, but still need practice on measuring the joints of the hand. He figures that my problem stems from not getting to practice on people that much, which is absolutely true. He also wants me to continue meeting with him on a weekly basis like I have been doing, which i'm totally okay with. As said before, i'm going to do whatever it takes at this point to bang the rest of this semester has been a very tough one and i'm hoping that I can finish it fine and do better next semester. Anyways, right now i'm sitting in the library and waiting to meet up with the former bylaws chair to discuss my responsibilities. I met with the former rituals chair last night and it went pretty well, so i'm hoping that this meeting goes well too. Only problem though is i'm not really a big fan of this girl. She seemed nice when I first met her last semester, but ever since she broke up with her ex-boyfriend (who is oh so coincidentally our sweetheart) and he began dating another girl in our sorority right after, she has become a total bitch. *sigh* But like I said, I just want to get it over with and be good. ***Update: Sorry for ending this entry so abruptly before. Turns out, as I was typing about how much I can't stand this girl, she shows up out of nowhere! Haha. So I had to quickly close the page and act as if nothing happened. All's good though...whew! Close call there!
Mood: Tired.
Want of the day: BLAH!!!!!!!!!!! HELP ME!!!!*Update:...which explains the "help me" haha.
Mood: Tired.
Want of the day: BLAH!!!!!!!!!!! HELP ME!!!!*Update:...which explains the "help me" haha.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Wednesday, Nov. 12, 2008
Currently: Didn't update yesterday for no reason whatsoever. Nothing really interesting happened though. It was advising day, so I had no classes. I met with my advisor and organized my schedule for next semester. I then went back to my apartment and napped for seemingly forever and finally got up and studied for the rest of the night. I met with my professor after Neuroscience today to go over the lab practical that i'm re-taking tommorrow...he said that I did much better today. So tonight he wants me to focus more on the hands, because that will most likely be the area that i'll be tested on the most. *sigh* This semester is just so crazy altogether. Anyways, i'm at work right now, trying to study a little bit. I can't wait to get out of here. I mean, I like having a job, but this one is beyond monotone...but hey, atleast it pays. After work, i'm going to get something to eat then go back to the apartment and take an hour nap. After that i'm going to study a little, and then in between, go over to the AST house to meet up with one of my sisters, Jenn, to discuss my new duties as Rituals chair. After that, i'm going back to my apartment again to continue studying and then call it a night.
Mood: Blah.
Want of the day: That things continue to work out okay.
Mood: Blah.
Want of the day: That things continue to work out okay.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Monday, Nov. 10, 2008
Currently: Sitting at work right now, studying Neuroscience. My weekend was very productive. Not only did I get a lot of studying done, but I was also able to land not one, but two positions at yesterday's elections. I am now bylaws and ritual chair, which are both very important positions. Bylaws, specifically, is darn close to being an executive board position. Aaaah, it's good to feel important. Haha. Anyways, after work i'm meeting with my statistics professor to try and catch up in that class. I also have to go to the library and print the recent updated bylaws document and read it tonight. And other than all of that, i'm just going to continue studying and reviewing for my two big tests this week...oh, and I almost forgot, I also have to make my schedule for next semester tonight, as tommorrow is advising day. And that is it.
Mood: Okay.
want of the day: To continue being productive.
Mood: Okay.
want of the day: To continue being productive.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Saturday, Nov. 8, 2008
Currently: Yesterday was crazy for me. Long story short, I ended up being ridiculously depressed the entire day and staying in bed for the rest of the day and well into the night. I felt better today though. One thing I like with myself, is that i'm really good at picking myself back up whenever i'm down...oh, and I reactivated my facebook account. I couldn't even stay an entire day without it!Haha. Isn't that sad? Anyways, so I just realized that my apartment is fucking filthy and is in desperate need of some vaccuming and sweeping. I know that my lazy ass roomate is going to do nothing about it, so when I have the time, i'm going to try to find a way to do it myself. Meh, I digress. Spent all of today studying, cause now i'm oficially behind in ALL of my classes. Great. I really hope that I can get my shit together and bang out the rest of this semester. Thankfully and expectedly, no one has been seeking me out for any parties or outings this weekend, which is good, as I have been planning to have my own no "booze or boys" weekend in order to get all of this studying done. On a side-note, i'm also pretty bummed right now that I just got my eyebrows waxed yesterday and they are already growing back! Why did I have to be born with manly-thick hair? Why couldn't I have been born with naturally beautiful lady features and beautiful, straight hair, as well as a banging thin body? If all of the aforementioned were so, i'd be able to roll out of bed everyday, throw some junk on and still find a date, without feeling insecure about myself or feeling obligated to fix every little thing about me...sorry, i'm getting emo again. Anyways, back to studying!
Mood: Better.
Want of the day: To continue studying like a good student should.
Mood: Better.
Want of the day: To continue studying like a good student should.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Friday, Nov. 7, 2008
Currently: Last night I did something that I never thought i'd do while in college...I deactivated my facebook account. Truth is, i'm tired of looking at other people's profiles and seeing how happy and satisfied with their lives they are and how my so-called "friends" would always write on the walls of everybody but myself. Call me childish, call me insecure, but it bothered me some, so I figured if I didn't have a facebook account at all, I wouldn't have to feel so bad about myself anymore. I have reached my limits in many ways. I'm even thinking of dropping out of my sorority. Yep, you heard it here. I don't like the fact that some of the girls have been really rude to me lately...and for no apparent reason. There's even one girl in particular, whom I used to consider a close friend of mine, who's been giving me the cold shoulder lately. And my question is; for what? I know that i'm a quiet person and some people don't like that, but that doesn't mean that when I do attempt to speak to you or get to know you, that you should just shun me away like i'm some sort of parasite that's getting in your way. I may speak to our president about this sometime...but not just yet. I'm actually waiting until sunday after elections to make my final decision. If I don't receive or am not voted into any position I may definitely drop out altogether. I'll be especially upset if one of the Alpha Kappas (or the newly initiated girls) get a position and I don't. It's not like I haven't been working my ass off, waking up at early hours some weekends to go do community service, as well as showing up to practically every recruitment event, just to get a slap in the face, or a "better luck next time" sort of deal. This is it. I'm tired of being stepped on. I've been too nice for too long, and it has gotten me nowhere. Anyways, i'm about to go do some studying for my Kinesiology lab practical which is in a few hours. After that, i'm going to cash my check and then get my eyebrows waxed (or the other way around, depending on how long it takes me to complete the exam) and maybe get something to eat in between. After that, of course, i'm going back to the apartment to nap and do whateverelse. I doubt very much so that i'm going to the Zeeb house tonight, since their "sweetheart" is one of the girls that's been rude to me lately. I know that I shouldn't be taking all of this out on the guys, but sometimes a little discrimination by association is necessary. I'm outie.
Mood: Blah.
Want of the day: That everything works out okay.
Mood: Blah.
Want of the day: That everything works out okay.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Thursday, Nov. 6, 2008
Currently: Still sick. Throughout the day yesterday, I was actually starting to feel better until the night time, when my throat began to hurt again and I started feeling a little weak and woozy...again. I'm shocked that I was even able to stay at least a little concentrated enough to study...but I did it. Sleeping was pretty bad though, as I had to sleep on my back all night, since sleeping on my side or on my belly for some reason causes more mucus to develop around the back of my throat and near my sinuses. Yea. So needless to say, I may be making a little trip over to the Health Center today, which is not a lot of fun, but is something I have to do at this point. For now i'm assuming that my sickness is stress-induced. Anyways, got my Kinesiology test back today and expectedly got a C on it. I guess that's good considering I swore up and down that I was going to bomb that test. After that, had Medical Science, where conincidentally we learned today about the effects of stress on the body. Haha. I can definitely relate to that right now. Anyways, sitting in the library right now. After i'm done typing this entry, i'm going to continue to study for my Kinesiology lab practical, which i'll be taking tommorrow. After that, i'm getting something to eat, then going to psych/soc. lecture. After that, i'll possibly be stopping by the Health Center, then back to the apartment, where i'll be studying statistics for my quiz today. After that I have statistics. Hopefully, i'll do better on today's quiz than I have been doing on the last few quizzes. Immediately after that I have salsa dancing lessons, then have to go back to the apartment, change quickly, and then go to the AST house for initiation of the Alpha Kappas tonight. Once that's done and over with (i'm hoping it won't take that long), i'm going back to the apartment to continue studying Kinesiology. And that is my day/night. Blah.
Mood: Blah.
Want of the day: That everything works out okay.
Mood: Blah.
Want of the day: That everything works out okay.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Wednesday, Nov. 5, 2008
Currently: Last night wasn't the best for myself. Out of nowhere, I was running a pretty high fever and felt really weak and nauseous. Despite that, I still went to open lab for Kinesiology, studied some and did some laundry. Now, is that a trooper or what? It wasn't much fun though, as I struggled to walk all the way back to my apartment, and at one point, started having blurry vision and seeing some dark spots. Not good at all. Once I finally got back to the apartment, I tried to stay concentrated enough to start studying, but then began to lie down and ended up falling a sleep for a good hour, until my phone woke me back up. It's a good thing that it did too, as I still had to go pick up my laundry and start studying...and thankfully I was able to do so. I woke up feeling a little better though. I still feel a little weak and disoriented. So as one can tell, stress has taken a toll on me. I will get through it though, I know it. Anyways, sitting in the library for now. In a few, i'm heading out to work, and then getting something to eat. After that, i'm going back to the apartment, where i'll be taking yet another nap and then studying. That shall be it for today.
Mood: Blah.
Want of the day: That I feel better and get some studying done.
Mood: Blah.
Want of the day: That I feel better and get some studying done.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Tuesday, Nov. 4, 2008
Currently: It's election day! Who are you voting for? Unfortunately, I could not gather the time to vote for my man Obama, so i'm skipping out on that...and trust me, I feel mighty guilty about it. To make up for my mounting guilt, last night I let my voice be heard in a different voting for Brooke Burke and Derek Hough to stay on "Dancing with the Stars"! I think i'm starting to grow a slight crush on Derek...I mean, he's cute in his own way, and seems super sweet. I wish I had a boyfriend like that.=( And the fact that he's a professional dancer is a big plus! Meh, I digress. I'm going to be honest, i'm falling behind on most of my classes and it's not making me all. Truth is, AST is running my life right now, which has been compromising my study time. I'm going to speak with my Neuroscience teacher/Advisor on wednesday though, and hopefully he'll have a good solution as to what I should do. This really sucks, and I do blame myself for this, cause first of all, i'm not even supposed to be partying all that much, but have been doing so almost every single weekend. Very bad choice. And second of all, i've been balancing a shit load of crap all at once. *sigh* My stupid decisions are really getting the best of me. I need to think of something, and fast. As for the rest of today, I have statistics in an hour and then i'm going straight to open lab to practice Kinesiology. After that, i'm going back to the apartment, where i'll be doing more Kinesiology studying, as well as some laundry.
Mood: Blah.
Want of the day: That everything works out okay.
Mood: Blah.
Want of the day: That everything works out okay.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Monday, Nov. 3, 2008
Currently: Sitting at work right now, trying to study Kinesiology for tommorrow's test. I'm so tired right now, which is why as soon as I get back to the apartment, i'm taking a moderately long nap. After that, i'll be up again, studying some more. I'll probably be studying into tonight. And that is it. Sorry this was one of those really boring entries.
Mood: Tired.
Want of the day: That I get some good studying done.
Mood: Tired.
Want of the day: That I get some good studying done.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Sunday, Nov. 2, 2008
Currently: This weekend was pretty decent for myself. I stayed up practically all night on Friday for the final rehearsal. Saturday morning, bright and early, we then did another run-through of the dance and then finally got to perform it at the Homecoming parade. I think we did well considering the fact that we did everything at the last minute. But of course, we couldn't stand a chance against some of the more competitive sororities and fraternities on campus. The Sigmas and APD's, for one, KILLED IT. I will give them the benefit of the doubt, they were, hands down, the BEST performance of that morning...but unfortunately, and questioningly, they did not win first place. The Pikes and AGD's won first place, which I personally think is a rip-off to the Sigmas and APD's, not only cause their's was the best, but also because they worked so hard on it, and were practicing before any other group. But that's just me. Anyways, after the parade, I went back to the apartment and took a pretty long nap. After that, I got something to eat and then went to the AST house to put my dress on. I had to because my apartment doesn't have any long mirrors, and who wants to get dressed for a dance and not even know what you look like? I put the dress on in my sister Cathy's room (she has a beautiful room, by the way) and then waited for my sister Deanna (who was also my "date" for last night, haha)to be ready. Once she was ready, we picked up some cigs and went to the dance. The dance was fun, but not as fun as last year, which is mostly because I wasn't drunk this time. Haha. I did dance a little, though, but sat by the tables for most of it. It was a decent time, though. After the dance, Deanna dropped me off at the ZBT house, where I hung out at for awhile. Finally, I got tired of staying at the house and was dropped off at my apartment by my sister Cathy. Today has been today. I didn't really want to get out of bed, but since I have a lot of shit to do, did so reluctantly. I brushed my teeth, showered and then got something to eat. After that, I sent in my article for the paper...and now, here I am. Haha. Pretty soon, i'm about to go back to my apartment to study for Kinesiology, and then i'm going to get ready and go to the AST meeting much later on. After the meeting, I think we're all going back to the house for some sort of rededication ceremony. See how that goes. Anyways, i'm out. Peace.
Mood: Okay.
Want of the day: That everything works out okay.
Mood: Okay.
Want of the day: That everything works out okay.
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