Friday, October 29, 2010

Friday, Oct. 29, 2010

Currently: Woe is fucking me. So, father dearest has had this Security job for almost over a year, and what I liked about it was the fact that on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, he'd be out for almost the entire day and well into the night. Yea, he'd be home on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, but he'd have those days where he took a little cleaning job and therefore wouldn't be home for long anyways. The bottom line is, he would rarely be home, and therefore i'd have my piece of mind, and the house would actually be QUIET for once. As long as I put up with him for the couple of hours he was home, I was golden. Well...a couple of nights ago, he collapsed at work (because his blood sugar's really high) and because of that his boss had a hissy fit over him collapsing in front of consumers and him not being "healthy" enough for the job and blah blah today he tells him that he should never go back, pretty much. So NOW the motherfucker's going to be home ALL THE TIME and I have that much time to put up with his bitchiness. God, I love my life. But luckily for me, he is currently passed out upstairs, but who knows how long that will fucking last. Once again, FUCK! And I love how shit like this always happens to me, and you have my Big (sorority) sister posting shit on her facebook like "I love my life," and "I am the luckiest!"...I just want to curse the bitch out and tell her to come try and take a walk on my side of the woods and see if she thinks it's fucking funny to type shit like that on facebook with other people going through shit in their lives right now...and I feel bad, cause I don't think it's normal to feel this way about your Big Anyways, what is this Halloween weekend looking like for me? Well, tonight i'm going to watch the movie 'Shottas' in my room while sipping on some good vodka and laughing (most likely) amongst myself...hopefully i'll be able to have some sort of "release" this way. Tommorrow, i'm going to go do my hair and type up some of my paper for Fieldwork during the day, and then in the evening i'm going to do pretty much the same thing I will be doing tonight, except that i'll be watching "Carrie" tommorrow night in lieu of Halloween-Eve...see what happens when you have no friends? And then on Sunday, I am slipping on my sexy Nurse outfit, taking some pictures, and handing out candies to some trick or treaters. And that is all. I swear, the only good thing I have going right now is my future career in occupational therapy...I had another GREAT Fieldwork week, by the way. Today in particular, I had a FANTASTIC treatment session with this little girl with Developmental Disabilities who's usually agitated and wirey throughout sessions, where I actually got her to smile a big, beautiful smile and actually exhibit playfulness! It was great...until she peed on my knee, haha. But that still put a smile on my face as well. Happy Blah Halloween weekend Everybody.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunday, Oct. 24, 2010

Currently: Today I was in bed all day long...and really don't know why. For now, I'm going to call "extreme fatigue" on this one...but who knows anymore! All I know is that my bed kept calling my name and I couldn't say no. And it all started yesterday afternoon when I went to the mall. As soon as I stepped out of the mall I felt this extreme weakness come over my body and felt like I was going to collapse at any moment...and to add to it, I then had a little bit of vodka once I got home...that possibly made it worse. I was passed out for most of the night and even felt a bit feverish at one point. I was going to run a few errands today but couldn't even do so. I'm not going to lie, I AM a serial napper...but today was a new high for Even right now as I type this, I just want to be in bed...hopefully i'll feel better in time for working with the kiddies tommorrow.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tuesday, Oct. 19, 2010

Currently: My supervisor said something to me today that I really appreciated: She said that I have been doing so well with the children and improve on my skills more and more everyday...and that she could tell that the students really enjoy me, and that if my fieldwork coordinator were to ever call her to ask how I am doing, she would tell him that I am doing just fine. I appreciate that SO much, especially considering ALL that I went through at the last facility, that I am STILL trying to get over. It's also good to see a practitioner that APPRECIATES my hard work and dedication to the CLIENTS, which is what this profession is supposed to be all about...but unfortunately, there are some practitioners who lose sight of that. Their loss. But nevertheless, this gives me even more of a drive to strive and thrive (oooh, triple rhyming!) at this facility. Anyways, off topic time: I've been thinking for days now that I would really like to be on tv...specifically, i'd really like to be on the MTV show "True Life." Now, the question is, what "True Life" could little 'ole me be in? My mother recommended "True Life: I am Paranoid," haha. But I was thinking more on the lines of "True Life: I am a Loner," or "True Life: I have low self-esteem," or "True Life: I am getting plastic surgery Part 5" (cause i've thought about that). But I don't know! There are so many options for me!lol But if my "True Life" career doesn't work out, I wouldn't mind appearing in one of those random trashy reality shows (except that i'd be the one non-trashy cast member). I don't know, I just think it would be great to have a nice little 10 seconds of fame. I've always been really shy about this sort of thing, but right about now it sounds like a good idea! Hmmmm...decisions, decisions...
P.S. I turn 23 in a little under a month! EEEEKK!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Saturday, Oct. 16, 2010

Currently: You know what really grinds my gears? When my mother's friends/family members ask for me and then follow it up with "Is she married???"...not only do I completely LAUGH at that, but it then gives me more reason to want to punch someone in the face. Thanks.
P.S. I also burst into absolute LAUGHTER to myself when a guy asks me: "Do you have a man?" DOES IT FUCKING LOOK LIKE I HAVE ONE???? Ahh, people.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sunday, Oct. 10, 2010

Currently: So...this weekend wasn't bad. Yesterday, I went to the mall and got myself a Halloween costume for this year! I am going to be a "say ahhhh" Nurse.haha Afterwards, I made a little pit stop at the liquor store and got myself some ginger Vodka. It was so good, especially with coca cola...and that was what resulted in my previous entry, haha, oops. A couple of hours later, I went with my uncle to the THAT was a little weird. Because, once I got there I kind of zoned for a good portion of the night. One guy even came up to me and asked why I looked so sad, and I wasn't necessarily sad...just really zone-y. I only had about two shots at the club cause I wanted to behave myself...I also didn't want to wake up this morning with a bitch of a hangover.Haha I did dance with one guy twice...YET ANOTHER 38 year old...he wasn't so bad, though. He asked me if he could kiss me on the dancefloor and I flat out said NO...but at least he respected my wishes, haha. And my uncle's little "clique" at that club seem like alright people. Maybe the next time I go with him over there, i'll actually say hi to them. I kind of felt bad too, because one of them was celebrating her birthday and they kept asking me if I wanted some cake and I kept saying no...POLITELY, of course. Anyways, so that was that. I woke up this morning feeling good, but really tired, but I still forced myself to run errands...and don't regret it at all. I first went to get my hair done, and was able to get some homework done while I was at the Salon. Afterwards, I went to the nail salon to get my eyebrows waxed...and then I came back home. But it felt good taking a walk around was a BEAUTIFUL day for it too. This weekend also made me realize that I really should take all day trips to the mall more often. When I went on saturday, it was sort of like a breath of fresh air. I got to walk around the mall and sit around, with the freedom to think to myself whatever I wanted also gives me something to do on the weekends, and a person like me NEEDS something to do...anyways, i'm about to call it a night. Good night, world!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Saturday, Oct. 9, 2010

Currently: So...I just had a couple of vodka mixed drinks...made by me, of course! And I have to say...I feel mighty happy right now! YEA!!!! Let the good times begin! It's tee-shirt-tiiiiiimeeeeeeeeeeeeee!Haha I watch too much Jersey Shore. But SERIOUSLY! I'm loving myself right now...and can't wait to dance it all off at the club later on...too bad it'll be a couple more hours 'til I actually get to step out. ARGH! What a piss off! Okay, let me get my drunken ass on out of here, before I cause more trouble! ; )

Friday, October 8, 2010

Friday, Oct. 8, 2010

Currently: So...week 2= success! My supervisor tells me that she is very satisfied with my work so far, and that i've been handling the children I am very happy about that. What I REALLY hope is that they offer me a job over there...that would be great! I'm working on that. : ) In the meanwhile, I can't help but think that although my college experience was in general, better than my high school experience, that I still sort of walked away from it with the same thing; no friends. Jenn hasn't written to me in EONS, I practically don't exist to Sam anymore, the stoners only write to me when they feel like it (like usual), and all of my occupational therapy friends still write to me, but only because they too are completing rotations and want to be nosey. I wonder if they'll still write to me after we all get our masters...I hate to say this, but I doubt it. It is so sad how certain people are just forgotten so easily by others...and it is sad that i'll always be "that person." Needless to say, I think i'm going to do a little clean up of my facebook friends list sometime soon. I know that it's a childish thing to do, but I feel like when I delete someone from my friend's list, at least I never again have to worry about seeing their ugly face pop up on my screen, or reading REALLY annoying status updates from them. And that's that. Monday is Colombus day, so I will not have work and am very happy about that. I need these extra days to think of more activities for my kids. As for tommorrow...i'm in between going to get my tires changed or going to the mall to get a Halloween costume...I really like the mall idea, haha. And tommorrow evening my uncle's most likely going out and is letting me tag along, so i'm looking forward to that, as well. I haven't been out in awhile. Anyways, good night all.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Friday, Oct. 1, 2010

Currently: Hey, hey I am still alive!haha Survived my first week of my second rotation...and it went really well. I swear, i'm going to bust my hump until the very end at this facility, cause the LAST thing I want is for what happened at the last facility to happen again (which was crap). But I am a Phoenix and not going anywhere anytime soon. : ) In other news, moments after I posted the previous entry, I got a call from pretty Dominican boy (aka "Ronnie") asking me why I left that it wasn't obvious enough! Idiot. You see, that is why I am not a fan of foreign guys...that fake "confused and oblivious" act that they put up just drives me nuts! Luckily, I hadn't heard from him since...hopefully, I won't get a call from him tommorrow night, asking me to meet him at some Hotel...but let me NOT speak too soon! Anyways, i'm outie for tonight. I have a lot to do/accomplish tommorrow. Peace.