Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2011

Currently: Still alive.Haha At the library waiting for the rest of the people I will be working with for a group, ummm...this was the best way to pass time (sorry anybody who actually cares for my pointless rants). But anyways I have been noticing lately that I have been having dreams about that Fillipino douche Jon (aka my low life, backstabbing piece of shit "supervisor" from my summer Fieldwork rotation last year) and they have all been...well...exactly as I would expect them. I know the first dream I had of him involved me going back to the site for a visit (and I really don't know WHY I would go back to that hell hole...maybe to rub in those motherfucker's faces that I'm still going to be an OTR and they HAVE NOT won!)and him promptly running away as soon as he sees me.Haha Definitely expected. The funny thing though is in real life during my (unexpected) last day at the facility he actually had the nerve to tell me that I could call him anytime I had a question or needed help with something...MOTHER FUCKER! What makes you think that I would call you for advice after YOU and your fucking compadres ROYALLY screwed me over after MONTHS of hard work and commitment? I really wanted to smack him but that would add EVEN MORE unecessary bullshit complaints to my records, so I just smiled and nodded and went on my (not so) merry way. I forget the other dream I had of him but I know it involved me seeing him somewhere then seeing those nasty COTA's with him. I guess this all goes to show how much repressed thoughts I STILL hold of those people in the back of my head...but either way I REALLY have to let go of that situation. But realistically I probably won't truly let it go until the day that I get a letter in the mail with my official Occupational Therapy Registration Certificate...or the day I get my first job as an OT. Thankfully though these days are going by a lot faster than I thought they would eventhough I am by myself with a limited amount to do half the time. But I have to say I handle my free time pretty well, considering (though most of it involves me sitting on my ass and watching music videos on You Tube). And not getting a tv and not going on facebook as much were the best decisions I have ever made in my life. My mind is not as cluttered with some of the junk that they show on tv AND I don't have to worry about reading anybody's bullshit status about how "perfect" their life is. This definitely gives me a more clear and less bitter mind. Thumbs up for changes in 2011!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2011

Currently: So confession of the night: eventhough it wasn't necessarily my Fieldwork coordinator's fault for the fact that I have to do another Fieldwork, I still kind of blame it on him anyway. So now because of this I just can't stand the guy. As a matter of fact I have his class early tommorrow morning (a dumass, pointless Entrepreneurial Management class) and not only do I NOT even want to go, but I find that everytime I go to that class I just can't stand to look at him or to even hear his voice. I swear just LOOKING at the guy makes me want to either punch him square in the face or flip him off. Sometimes I even PURPOSELY show up late to his class. I feel the same way about his daughter (who happens to be one of my classmates). And it doesn't help that the girl looks EXACTLY like him! *vomits* I'm just not a fan of that entire family. Like I said I know shit happens but sometimes my paranoia kicks in and I start thinking that he set me up for failure, or that he could have done more to help me out (during the fieldwork site selection process) but decided to focus more on his daughter and her little princess friends instead...and now the bitch is set for life and my dumass has to spend three additional months not getting paid or doing something great with my life. Yea this entire process has been a struggle but I have surprisingly been okay for the most part. This is actually the longest I have gone without being depressed. I still need to vent every once in awhile though.Haha But either way for some reason I don't care much for this guy...and don't think I ever will again.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sunday, Feb. 6, 2011

Currently: Last night I had a BLAST! My friend Jenn was over for the weekend and boy did we make up for lost time. Last night started with me drinking some of my vodka at home and getting dressed with some music playing. Pretty simple. But then Jenn came over and I started to drink a little more, all the while putting my makeup on and doing my hair and talking to Jenn...a lot. As a matter of fact we talked so much that we kind of lost track of time and didn't even leave my apartment until 11pm.Haha So from there we went to a fraternity party (HA!) to meet up with her little Sister. While there I reunited with some of the other girls (from my sorority) and they seemed happy to see me. One of them in particular remarked at how great and "happy" I looked and that I had lost so much weight...see how much of a positive influence living alone has had on me?haha We were at the party for about 45 minutes. After that we went to a Bar and tried to find some guys to hang out with. I texted Brad the ghetto white boy, but he was acting like a dumb pussy last night for some reason so I left his ass alone after awhile. In the meanwhile Jenn tried to get in touch with her boy (who I have had a little bit of a crush on, not going to lie) and he ALSO decided to act dumb. So the fact that BOTH him and Brad were acting dumb REALLY pissed me off and as Jenn and I were walking to the club I cursed up a storm...I swear I was ready to fight a man!lol But before we entered the club Jenn calmed me down and by the time we got in and I had a Red Bull and vodka I put what happened at the Bar behind me and just danced the night away. While Jenn and I were dancing this French/Belgian dude started dancing with her so I backed away a little bit to give them their space. But then Jenn's like "dance behind him!" At first I was a little hesitant but then decided to anyway. So the next thing I knew I was allover HIM and we made out. After the dancing session I made him speak a little French to me.Haha He then tried to convince Jenn and I to leave with him...and we definitely knew what was on his mind. So Jenn told him "no thanks" and we each gave him a kiss on the cheek and left.Haha The look of pure confusion on his face was PRICELESS! Poor dude probably had no idea what hit him.haha So after we left the club, as we're in Jenn's car, she got a text from her boy and I BEGGED her not to pick him up but she didn't listen to me and did so anyway. When he got in the car I let him know that was upset at him...but his sweet talk ended up alleviating my anger. Damn MEN! So we went back to my apartment and the three of us just fooled around for a bit...and not in THAT way(that was for my readers like me with dirty minds)! We started a game of Truth or Dare and I got Jenn and Steve (that's her boy's name) to make out for 25 seconds and got Jenn to strip Steve down to just his boxers...which then revealed his hard-on.Haha He was so embarassed. In between all of this chaos I sat on Steve's lap and cuddled with him as he was on my laptop looking for music. For some reason last night I just COULD NOT keep my crush on him under control! And I felt bad, because Jenn is one of those friends I don't want to lose. We even came close to making out...but I was able to stop it, thankfully.After awhile Jenn decided to invite another sorority sister named Ashley (remember her?haha) over. As we waited for Ashley and her friend Allison we made a ridiculous amount of noise which pissed off the guy in the apartment next to me (who happens to be an International student from China). Oops. And the noise got even worse once Ashley and Allison showed up. For one they brought along a posse of guys who stayed only briefly but were QUITE loud. And of course Allison and Ashley themselves didn't make it any better.Haha After awhile I started to fall asleep and Ashley and Allison decided to go home and Jenn decided to leave with Steve. Once everyone was gone I kind of screwed around on my laptop for another two hours then decided to call it a night. Jenn then came by early this afternoon to pick her stuff up...and of course we ended up talking for three hours straight.haha She finally left to go see another one of her boys. It was really great getting to hang out with her last night...I really missed that girl in my life.Ha The rest of my day has been pretty lazy but...the superbowl is about to come on and though i'm not watching, I REALLY hope the Steelers win! Since i've been practically living in Steeler country for more than four years of my life i've become an adopted Steelers fan...I mean they have a HUGE following AND they're a legit team! Can't get better than that. So see how that goes. Other than that good night all. BLACK AND YELLOW! BLACK AND YELLOW! ; )

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wednesday, Feb. 2, 2011

Currently: Its strange dreams of the week time! They just keep on coming. The last couple of days in particular have been pretty bizarre. Last week was a laid back week for dreams, so I guess the bizarro dreams are just making up for lost time? Its hard for me to even remember all of them, so i've decided to just rant about the most memorable ones. So for the first bizarre dream I could remember, I was being held hostage and scared to death in my own home by GHOSTS! Amongst the things they did to me included attempting to hit me with an old rusty broom. I then finally escape my house just to find a creepy pedophilic-type guy in front of my house, who proceeds to chase me down the street...and that's where that dream ends. And last night one of my more bizarre dreams involved myself and my friend Jenn (I guess in lieu of her coming over for a visit this weekend) hanging out and then going to a mall frequented by a lot of creepy mental patient criminal-type people...including Brad (aka ghetto white boy who "raped" me in my previous entry)! And the funny thing is throughout the dream Jenn didn't seem phased at all by the weirdos, while I was zoinked out of my mind!lol I also had another dream involving my dead grandmother (Rest in Peace) but could barely remember what it was about or what I was doing. So in a nutshell all of the above sums up the types of dreams i've been having this week. Let's see what next week shall bring!