Saturday, May 31, 2008

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Currently: Just got back home. I hung out the entire day with my best friend. At first, we went to the city to see if we could go see the Sex and the City movie but (as expected) it was sold out, so we just settled for going to some Bar (the same one that doesn't card) and having some drinks. I had three martinis and it was great. Never felt so good while in the city. haha. We also laughed at this funny dude who kept saying "A penny from your pocket and a change for your heart," with a really weird accent. Anyways, after that, I had to come home to go eat out for my brother's 23rd birthday. *sigh* How time flies. I'm glad he enjoyed himself though. He is autistic and doesn't get to go out much, so he's always super excited when we take him places. The only down side was when my parents started arguing with the waitress over our bill. It got so bad that she ended up having to call the manager over. *sigh* Can't we go somewhere and leave in peace? I guess not. Anyways, so that was today.

Mood: Tired.

Want of the day: None.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Friday, May 30, 2008

Currently: Home from work about to call it a night. Work was pretty crazy today. My back hurts. ...and yea, that's about it.

Mood: Tired/weak

Want of the day: None. Day is done.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Currently: Back home from work and just waiting to eat. The car is in the garage to be fixed and inspected. Not much more to say than that. I think i'm going to bed early tonight.

Mood: Tired.

Want of the day: None. Day is done.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

wednesday, may 28, 2008

currently:just got home from work. From now until I go to bed, i'm just going to chill out, eat, smoke, watch tonight's episode of The Real World, brush my teeth, wash my face and then go to bed. I have this weird thing where I like to leave the salsa music station on as I sleep, and it really seems to help me sleep better. I am looking forward to that.

Mood: Tired.

Want of the day: None. Day is done.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Currently: I'm tired and don't know why. Anyways, just waiting to go to work and get things done. The weather's kind of odd today. It is warm and drizzling out. I hope the sun comes out at some point during the day. That is all I have to say.

Mood: Weird and anxious.

Want of the day: That something...nice happens.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Monday, May 26, 2008

Currently: Wow. I haven't updated in three days, cause i've been busy having a life for once. haha. On friday, me and my best friend hung out at my place, drank and smoked in my basement and she spent the night. The next day, we went out to the city and had a really good time. My favorite part of that day though was when we got some drinks without being carded. She spent the night again that night. The next day, which was yesterday, we just pretty much went to the mall and then to Target. It was still a long day for us, as we had to wait forever for the damn buses since they run slowly on Sundays. At the conclusion of our hang out, I took the cab home and her aunt picked her up at the train station. Not much going on for today. In a few, i'm about to go in my car and see how it's doing...and that is it.

Mood: Ehhh...whatever.

Want of the day: Whatever.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Friday, May 23, 2008

Currently: Yesterday evening was really horrible...I really don't feel like going into it now, but i'll try to sum it up the best way I can: Pretty much, father dearest is an asshole and I feel bad for my mom...period. Today was better though. Got released from work an hour early in lieu of Memorial Day weekend. Right now, i'm sitting here waiting for my friend. I guess we're just going to hang in my basement or something and we may drink.

Mood: Anxious (don't know why)

Want of the day: To possibly have a good time later on.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

thursday, may 22, 2008

currently: just sitting around until i have to go to work. Yesterday I did so much work that I started sweating. I couldn't believe it. Just didn't think this job would be such a workout.haha. Maybe i'll get a bikini body by the end of next month. Yea!! Anyways, it is raining again today, so that doesn't make things anymore exciting. But let's hope that I still have a good day.

Mood: Whatever.

Want of the day: That I have a good day.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Currently: I'm in some pain right now. My stomach pains are back and it's not fun. I hope that I feel better by the time I get to work. Meanwhile, my parents are arguing and complaining and that's not making things any better. Oh well. I need some energy...or something.

Mood: Tired and pained.

Want of the day: That I feel better and get work done.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Currently: I had a bad first day of work yesterday because it was day 1 of my period and, as a result, ended up having stomach pains throughout the day. I still tried my best though. I was on my feet practically the entire day and was knocked-out tired when I was done. And despite this, I was still able to warm up my car when I got home. As for now, i'm just waiting to go to work and get this day over with. I took two tylenols for my stomach pains, so hopefully today won't be as bad as yesterday was.

Mood: Tired.

Want of the day: Whatever.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Monday, May 19, 2008

Currently: Starting work today. After I come home from work, i'm working on my car again. I was told that I have to let it run for awhile so that all of the old gas (which is causing all the car's problems) can burn out and then I can replace it with new gas. Hopefully this plan will work, cause I still have to change the car's lights, give it a tune-up and pass it for inspection. *sigh* So much to do, and I still have to schedule a doctor's appointment.

Mood: Hmmmm...I really don't know right now. I guess i'm just there.

Want of the day: None.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Currently: Today is pretty bad. It is raining out right now and everything's pretty boring. On the bright side, yesterday I was able to drive my car back home from the garage. Just came from getting my hair done and buying some makeup. That is it for me today.

Mood: Blah/whatever

Want of the day: None.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Currently: So my car is now in the garage about to be fixed. I hope that it is fixed soon enough. Anyways, today is very laid back for me. I had been so tired from all of the work that I had done this past week with the car, so I decided to take this day to just relax and brace myself for work on monday.

Mood: Good.

Want of the day: Whatever. haha.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Friday, May 16, 2008

Currently: Something really crazy just happened to me. *breathing quickly and heavily* I decided to take my car for a morning stroll, when all of a sudden, it just stops in the middle of the street. Now, I don't know much about cars, so I was horrified. I quickly put it on neutral and restarted it. After it restarted, it still couldn't move. At this point, I was REALLY in panic mode. I continue to turn off and restart the car and move the steering wheel a little bit, until the car was finally able to move and I carefully drove it around the block. Then, once I get in front of my house, I try to park it, and since my parking skills borders mediocrity, ended up pulling in too quickly and bumping into the sidewalk...ahhh stupid stupid me! So then I decide to just put the darn thing back in the driveway and do so easily. Isn't it weird that I can easily park the car in the driveway but can't even pull over into a sidewalk??!! Tsk. tsk. I need work on that. But if there's a God, he was seriously on my side this morning. I mean, I thought I was going to do something really stupid. This is actually the first time in my life that I regret not listening to father dearest and that, my friends IS something...BIG! Whew, glad I got that off my chest. *sits down*

Mood: Relieved...and thankful.

Want of the day: I don't know...I think that "want" was fulfilled this morning!haha.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Currently: I am obviously updating so late because I was so busy registering my car today. It was so much work and such a pain in the ass...but I did it. Now you won't hear me bitching about my car anymore. haha. *exhales* Thus begins the summer. Let's hope I continue to get things done.

Mood: Good...but tired.

Want of the day: None.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Currently: So I'm driving my car a little this morning, when I look in the back and see that it is leaking. I don't know if it's a gas leak or a hose leak, but it was definitely a leak. I call my mom and am told that the problem will be fixed right away, but my question is, how soon? I only ask this question cause I know how slowly things can go around here, especially when it comes to my car. I mean, it took it this long to get the thing insured so you could imagine how long it may take to get something fixed in it. Even if the mechanic looks at it this weekend or something, what if a lot needs to be fixed that'll take more than a month? It'll then be that much longer until I actually drive my car. *sigh* And all of this just HAS to happen the day before I register the car. Are you fucking kidding me? This all just makes me think; why me? Just...why? Nothing ever seems to work out as planned for me and am always stuck with taking the hard way out. Just when I thought I would have my car this summer and things will be okay, this has to happen. What's next? What else is bound to fuck up in my life? I feel like screaming and pulling my hair out now, but can't cause people will think i'm crazy. I mean, can I be happy for at least a few months? Life: you suck.
*Update* Turns out it wasn't a gas leak but a water leak. So I pretty much did all that emo whining for nothing. What is the matter with me? I really need to get my head checked, cause I have way too many emotional problems.

Mood: Sad/angry

Want of the day: I really don't care anymore.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Currently: Nothing interesting to report. I will supposedly be going to the DMV on thursday to register my car. Let's hope it happens. I will also be starting work on Monday. For once though, I am confident that my car will be ready to go by then and I won't need a ride. There's really nothing better in this world than independence.

Mood: Pretty good.

Want of the day: Same as yesterday's...and the day before's...and the day before that's. haha.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Monday, May 12, 2008

Currently: Finally got my car insured today...and for real this time. Just got back from warming up my car, cause today's a colder day than yesterday was. All I have to do now is register the car at the DMV and i'm set...and I can actually DRIVE my car. Who'd a thunk it? haha. Can't wait for that day. Other than that, not much going on here besides getting some well needed rest.

Mood: Good.

Want of the day: Same as yesterday's...and the day before's.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Sunday, May 11 , 2008

Currently: Today was chocked full o'nothing! ...But I'm fine with it, because tommorrow I will be insuring and registering my car!! I hung out in it a little today and it is working fine. It can actually start and stay on now, which is great. So once I am done with the DMV tommorrow, I can actually drive my car! You have no idea how excited I am about this. I plan to take the driving thing slowly though, like not driving through the big busy highways and using local routes, because in the two years I had my license, I had never driven alone and this will be my first time. Just trying to stay safe, you know? And that is all for now. More updates tommorrow. *fingers crossed*

Mood: Bored.

Want of the day: same as yesterday. haha.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Currently: I am at home now for summer break. To kick that off, I went to a five hour defensive driver's course earlier today literally minutes after I got off a 15 hour Greyhound ride. haha. Told you I was serious about my car and driving. As a matter of fact, it came to my attention today that my car MUST be registered and driven by the end of this month, or else me and my family will be called into court. Yes, this is FOR REAL. I did get a little mad when I first heard about it, but now that I think of it, this will result in this process going a lot quicker than before, which is all I wanted. So, no matter what, I WILL be driving this summer...or else. Anyways, not much planned for the rest of today. Will probably go take a nap or something soon and just hang out. No school work, no bitchy roomates, no classes...aaaaaaahhhh summer!

Mood: Quite well.

Want of the day: this is more a want for the week, but: TO REGISTER MY CAR!!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Friday, May 9, 2008

Currently: Just got done taking my last final for this year, so I am now officially done with sophomore year! I am also officially a junior, thank you very much. I still can't believe that i'm already this far in my college career. I guess college really does fly by. Anyways, right now I am doing some last minute laundry and in about an hour or so am going to start packing to go home for the summer. All I can say from now on is that I hope everything works out okay for me this summer. I am even hoping to make a little trip to the beach. Haha. I actually hadn't been to the beach in years. Yea, I know i'm deprived. I have one busy summer ahead of me though. I still have to get the car going, will be working five days a week, have to go to the doctor for a complete physical examination, attend Sister's Weekend for my sorority and have to renew my license. Ahhhhh! Haha. But as long as everything works out okay, I will be fine.

Mood: Excited!

Want of the day: That everything goes as planned.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Currently: I am now officially Queenie and Chelsea free!!! I have the apartment all to myself now and couldn't be happier...though it's only for one day, really. But, who cares? I don't have to put up with those two anymore!! Woot woot! And Queenie last night was such a bitch for no reason. She would pack her things with an attitude, slam her things anywhere she can and stomp her feet on the floor. *sigh* Which is why I am so happy that she's finally gone now. She actually diasappeared over night too. I literally went to bed and she was still here, then woke up and she was gone...and WOOOHOOOO for me!haha. Okay, enough with her. today will be today. I will continue to throw things out, start studying, do some laundry...and um...whatever else there is to do.

Mood: Anxious!!

Want of the day: To get everything done.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Currently: Two finals down, one more to go!! The Theology 2 test was pretty easy. I at least did really well on the essay. Anyways, not much of anything going on for today. I am so frickin happy that my roomates are finally getting the hell out of here and I will have my peace soon! Yay! If anyone hears a joyous yelp from far away somewhere, that is me. Haha. That is how happy I am.

Mood: Okay.

Want of the day: To just relax and get ready for my last final of the semester.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Currently: So today will be today. haha. Just got back from getting something to eat. Earlier, I called up my old driver's instructor to ask when he will be having his defensive driver's course. It is on Saturday at 9:00 am. Hopefully, I will arrive before then and will be able to go. I really want to get all of this stuff over with so that my car can be insured and then registered. I know i'm definately going to need my car to drive to work and I really don't want to have to take rides from daddy dearest anymore cause he just gets on my damn nerves. Anyways, as for the rest of today, I have to study later on for my Theology 2 test tommorrow. I also have to figure out what i'm going to do with that laundry basket that my Big gave me, cause I can't carry it on the bus with me. I also have to do a little bit of shopping cause i'm running out of lotion and body wash and can't live without any of the two. haha. I will also continue to throw some things away in my room so that I don't have to worry about carrying extra crap around in the bus. *sigh* Nothing like the end of the school year Blues.

Mood: tired ( and I really don't know why) and sluggish.

Want of the day: that everything works out okay.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Monday, May 5, 2008

Currently: Happy Cinco De Mayo all!!!! Just got done taking my Anatomy final and it was pretty one down, two more to go! For now I am in the library doing whatever until 2:30 when I have to meet up with someone to buy an OT water bottle. I know that I just sounded like I was about to meet up with a drug dealer at an "unspecified" location, but no, it's only a water bottle, an OT student who probably weighs less than me, and it's for OT. Wow. I'm in a weird mood today, aren't I? Oh well. After that, I have no idea what my next move will be. Probably will go back to the apartment for a few. I probably won't start studying for my Theology Final until tommorrow, so...AAAhhhhh!!! What shall I do today? Help.

Mood: Weird, wacky, all over the place.

Want of the day: To do something interesting and not be bored out of my mind.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Currently: Last night I didn't do anything. I was so restless and just dying to get out of the apartment, but just couldn't find a way what did I do? I settled for just drinking rum in my room by myself. I do that sometimes when i get too bored and there happens to be alcohol lying around. But anyways, I didn't get too drunk and had something to eat afterwards...then I brushed my teeth and went to bed. Today's going to be as boring as yesterday was. In a few i'm about to freshen up, get ready and go eat. After that, I am coming back to study and then going to the AST meeting at 6:30 then coming back again to do some more studying. Pretty much, my head will be buried in Anatomy today. Wish me luck.

Mood: Blah-ish.

Want of the day: To study well and efficiently.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Currently: Last night was okay. I walked for two hours for Relay For Life, and that was cool. After that, I had dinner with my Big and other sisters Lisa and Laina for Lisa's 20th birthday. After that, we hung out at Laina's and drank a little and talked. My Big then dropped me off at my apartment. So today will be relatively laid back. I just got back from lunch and in a few am about to continue studying for my Anatomy final on monday. I'm just ready to move out of here and go home and get my car going and start working. I am really hoping that everything works out okay for the summer, cause I hate when it doesn't. Anyways, besides studying i'll be doing nothing more but smoking, watching tv and listening to music. Tonight, I will probably be doing nothing, as I don't really have any plans in mind...but you never know. I doubt that anything's going on though, cause everyone's prepping for Finals week.

Mood: Just...blah.

Want of the day: that I study well and maybe that something interesting happens.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Friday, May 2, 2008

Currently: In between classes because I don't have Anatomy today. is the last day of classes for me, y'all! Another year down and uh...three more to go! haha. Isn't that exciting? Anyways, after i'm done here in the library, i'm going out for a smoke then to my second and last class. After that, I am going back to the apartment to relax a little then i'm going to get something to eat and go walk for Relay For Life. I will be walking for two hours. After that, I guess it's back to the apartment again to study. As for tonight, I don't know what's going on. I'm not sure if there will be any parties, with finals week coming up and all. We'll see.

Mood: Tired.

Want of the day: To have a nice day.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Currently: I can't believe it's May already. I'm trying to continue to get through this semester without losing my mind...which is hard enough. I am in between classes right now. After I finish hanging here, i'm going to my Theoretical Foundations class, where I have to make a presentation today. I hope that that goes well. After that, i'm going back to the apartment for a few, then coming back to the library to pay my sister Leann for the Relay For Life walk that i'm doing tommorrow. After that, back to Anatomy studying! I can't be more excited about that! haha. Not. And that is all.

Mood: Dreamy

Want of the day: To get through with it.