Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Currently: I just found the 1996 version of "Romeo and Juliet" on You Tube! That makes me very happy. Nothing better than a young, wet Leonardo DiCaprio. *yum*

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Currently: Week 4; over and done! Here we go week 5, here we go! *clap*clap* All continues to go well. I asked my supervisor yesterday how I was doing and she said i'm doing just fine. So i'm still trucking, yall! You really have no idea how much I am looking forward to FINALLY being able to celebrate and go on a real vacation for once! They say that occupational therapists are always the ones who are getting pregnant and taking vacations...well, I may not ever get pregnant, but I sure as hell will be taking vacations!Haha In the meanwhile, this weekend has been pretty boring, mostly because my friend Sam is out of town for the weekend. Last night I drank some vodka by myself in my apartment and ended up falling asleep in front of my laptop and not waking up until 3 in the morning (dejavu, anyone?). And I was going to run some errands today, but was so tired and lazy-feeling...I just slept all day. And now after a nice spaghetti dinner, i'm going to resume my vodka drinking from last night. I always try my best to keep myself amused.

8 more weeks to go!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Currently: Today was supposed to be the end of the world, but turned out to be the nicest day we had here all week!Haha I love easily-brainwashed Christian maniacs. Anyways, week 4 is fast approaching. All continues to go well and I am grateful for that. But in the meanwhile my social life has expectedly taken a nose-dive. As a matter of fact, last night my friend Sam invited me out to the Bars with her and another sorority sister, but I was so tired and worn out from working all week that I declined and settled for staying home and sipping on some vodka instead...and then I passed out in front of my laptop.Haha By the time I woke up it was already 3 in the morning! Anyways, it looks like her and I may be able to go out tonight so all has not been lost! And that is about it. Have a great weekend and Happy Rapture everybody! (LMFAO!!!!)

9 more weeks to go (i'm in the single digits now! Hell yea!)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Currently: Earlier tonight I wanted to watch a movie...but my DVD player decided to stop working. And now, I want to get up, charge my phone, brush my teeth, and eventually go to bed...but it is so godamned cold in this apartment that I am practically glued to my couch. FUCK-MY-LIFE!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Currently: I am now entering week 3. As fast as these weeks are flying by I still feel like they are dragging, as I want to get this fieldwork bullshit over with! But things are still going pretty well. I am now treating my supervisor's entire caseload. I have also started writing notes and plan of care updates on a couple of the patients and performing and documenting evaluations with my supervisor. I have also started putting together my resume. For one, I was able to get a hold of my previous fieldwork supervisor to write me a reference letter. And seeing how things are going so well so far at this facility, I will also most likely be able to get a good reference from my current supervisor. So that's that. And today's just another sluggish, gloomy I will most likely be in bed/studying all day. Lucky for me, I got all that I needed to get done yesterday leaving no real chores for me today...besides maybe straightening my hair, but that shouldn't take long.

10 more weeks to go

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Currently: Yesterday I walked in my Masters Degree ceremony. So now all I have to do is finish up with this fieldwork all the while putting together a legit resume, and that is it for me! I will be done done done!!! AH! Fieldwork is going very well so far, though. Everyone is pleasant and laid back and my supervisor has told me that I am doing so well that she expects that I will be handling the entire case load by midterms! That's definitely a relief. In the meanwhile, at least I have a little more time to be immature.Haha For the summer i'll only have my friend Sam in town to hang out with, but she's an interesting little character, so I project we shall have our adventures in the future. Friday night for one was pretty hilarious. We decided to hang at a frat house (eventhough we are both over 21) for the night. I had sips of some crazy mysterious drink the brothers made called a "yuka"...and let me tell you, it put me out.Haha By the time I got home I was talking nonsense and could barely see in front of me (not good signs)...and my mother was there too!Ha! How embarassing. Of course I end up puking later on in the night as my mom's lecturing me on why alcohol is poison.Haha Graduation morning was quite rough too. I could barely get out of bed and had to force myself...and then I puked again. I can't believe I still made it to the ceremony! But during the ceremony I did feel a little bit lightheaded and kept falling asleep. All was good by the end of yesterday though. Sam and some other friends of mine invited me out again, but I had to decline because I was still feeling a little weak. And today was pretty laid back. My mom and I just hung out around my apartment all day with Pandora on rotation. And she cooked for me. It was nice. She is leaving for home soon, but I am happy she at least got to see me walk in the graduation ceremony...eventhough I didn't REALLY graduate! But I do what I can. Anyways, another busy week awaits me. The countdown begins!

11 weeks to go

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Currently: Tommorrow's the big day; my first day of my very last fieldwork and the very last thing I have to do before I FINALLY earn my Master's degree! I'm looking forward to getting the next couple months over with. And believe it or not i'm really not that nervous...then again, I shouldn't be, as this is the third time i've ever had to do a fieldwork. I should have everything downpat. First days are usually the "easy" days anyway. Anyways, other than that I have nothing else exciting coming up. This weekend wasn't bad. Saturday I was at the Beach practically all day (first with my class and then again with my sorority) and it was actually very nice. I never realized how nice and tranquil the Beach really is. It's like when you're there you have this sense of inner peace. So I will definitely be making more frequent trips to the Beach in the future. And that was the highlight of my entire weekend, really. I didn't really go out to any Bars or clubs...then again, the only times I even do that anymore is whenever Jenn visits. Oh, and about the weird dreams I was having when I first moved here; for the most part they have stopped, but every once in awhile I have a creepy/freaky one. Some dreams are so bizarre that I try my best to erase them from my memory. But thankfully they are slowly but surely going away. I don't really know what else to say so I guess i'll just call it a night.