Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Currently: I spent today suffering with a stomach virus...and it sucked.=(

Monday, May 25, 2009

Monday, May 25, 2009

Currently: The picnic today went well. And that is all.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Currently: Since I last updated a lot has happened. The day after my last entry, my car's gear shift randomly decided to get stuck in front of a CVS...sadly, I had to call father dearest to help me out with this situation, and of course he flipped out and blamed me for everything...well, turns out the brake switch needs to be replaced, or some crap like that. *sigh* Other than that bullshit, I guess everything has been okay. Friday night I went out in the city for some drinks and had a pretty good time...of course, I also made another friend.Haha. He actually invited me to a barbecue at his place yesterday, but I just wasn't in the mood to go out, so I fed him a bullshit excuse.Haha. I did my hair and eyebrows this afternoon and spent the rest of the day being a bum. As for tommorrow, I will most likely be going to a picnic that I was invited to by one of my new friends. Hopefully, it'll be eventful. Happy Memorial Day!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Currently: Went shopping for some new shirts today. Starting over really sucks...I really miss my missing shirts, but oh well, what else can I do? Anyways, things have been a little more interesting for me. Few weekends ago, I went out to the city and ended up meeting some new unexpected aquaintances at a Bar. I have hung out with them once since...see where that goes...although I am thinking that their aquaintance with me is mostly to benefit their business (they are entrepeneurs of a nutrition company), but of course I could be wrong. Anyways, I have also been keeping in touch with another guy that I met at a Bar at school. See where that goes too. I'm so tired and out of it, I really don't even feel like talking about anything, so I think i'm going to stop now. ...and I have a feeling that the rest of the summer will be like this.haha Don't miss me too much.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Currently: A lot of my shirts are missing...including all of my AST shirts. I have no idea what happened to them. Either way, I have to go to the mall tommorrow evening to start buying new ones. I have run out of shirts to wear to work. *sigh*

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Currently: After this weekend, I feel a lot better about myself, and here's why: here you have my uncle, who's a big, grown ass man, hiding out here at our house for an entire day from his psycho girlfriend like a little chicken...and then you have us, who never hide from my father no matter how sure we are that he's going to raise hell. Who knew that two little women would be that much stronger than a man twice both our sizes? I kickass. Period. I don't need a man to survive...fuck 'em all!haha.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Currently: All I can say right now is that i'm really proud of myself.=)

"Sometimes you have to learn to just let some people go."

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Currently: I haven't been in the mood for much of anything besides going to work, eating, listening to music, smoking and zoning that a good thing or a bad thing?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Currently: Still tired. I have so much to tell but am too weak and out of it to do so, so...I will save that for another time. good night.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Currently: I'm too tired...

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Saturday, May 9, 2009-"I Love College"

Currently: Wow, it's been awhile! I'm officially on summer break. I came home yesterday morning. It was a crazy move out of my apartment, but I made it here all in one peace, and that's all that matters. I just can't believe that i'm already a senior in college! It was only yesterday that I had just graduated high school, for chrissakes! But lucky for me, my college experience has been a lot better than my High School experience...I didn't do anything remotely fun in high school. My high school years can be summed up in crushes that I never had the guts to talk to, good grades and prank phone calls.Haha. But college has been something else. Freshman year was just a shock...didn't know what I was getting into and what types of people I would meet. I made friends with a crazy but cool girl from California, drank alcohol for the first time, had an almost-boyfriend and had kickass (stoner) roomies!haha. Sophomore year was a little more laid back. I spent most of that year hating and envying my roomates. But on the bright side, I was introduced to Greek life and the possible opportunities for me in that. I then joined a sorority, which has been a rollercoaster ride for me, but still an enriching experience. And junior year...craziness all the way! They say that it is the year that you buckle down and concentrate more on your studies...but that was just the opposite for me! I had never gone out and drank so much in my life. After awhile, classes were just things I did during the day that got in the way of me and partying.Haha. And after I turned 21 it got even worse. Every weekday I would just hope the week away just so that it'd be the weekend again and i'd be able to go to the Bar...that has been the only thing i'd really look forward to and be excited about. And now we come to senior year...the possibilities are endless! I will be sad though about graduating at the end of next year and starting Graduate school...I pretty much won't be allowed to fool around anymore!haha. It has been a great run, though. Sometimes I feel like the Asher Roth song, where he says in the end "Do I really have to graduate or can I stay here for the rest of my life?"Haha.

Mood: Okay.

Want of the day: To continue not being miserable/cranky.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

Currently: You know, I really don't understand people. I try to put myself out there and open myself to friendships, but still I get shooed away like some sort of invalid. Everyday I feel like i'm just trying too hard for nothing, and that I will be judged as the "awkward one" no matter what I do. I know in my heart that at the end of the day, this little facade will get me absolutely nowhere for the rest of my life but still I try...why? And for what? I guess i'm just that bored with life that I feel I need to do something stupid to keep me occupied. People. Who needs them? They cause all the world's problems anyway...and almost everyone on Earth (myself included) is shady in some way. I just wish that there were a way that I could live without people and still remain content and satisfied with myself. But they're everywhere so it's hard to just not be around them for too long. *sigh* What am I going to do with myself? What should I do with myself? I don't know. What I do know is that this is who I am and this is how i'll be for the rest of my life, until my body finally decides to quit this bitch and call it a day. Haha. Well, at least now i'm certain where I stand and what role I play in this Earth. At least I try, right? And that's all that matters in my book. I tried. It may have taken me nowhere...but I made many attempts and now I have plenty of proof to back up my theories. Go me! I feel much better now. Anyways, studying for Neurorehab for the remainder of this lovely evening. I finished my paper for that class earlier today so thank goodness I don't have that to worry about anymore. Man, I can't wait for Wednesday.

Mood: Alright.

Want of the day: To study well and continue to inspire myself.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sunday, May 3 , 2009

Currently: Last night wasn't bad. I first went out to the Sports Bar with my roomate. While there, this crazy 27 year old drunk guy was flirting hardcore with me. He said that I was gorgeous and he would like to do dinner with me sometime...I chuckle at that. Seriously. Haha. After that, we went by another one of my favorite Bars which I hadn't been to in awhile. I didn't drink much at all at this Bar. All I got was a small dollar shot. Besides taking the puniest shot in the world, I just sat, listened to music and smoked a cigarette while there. Very chill. After that, we decided to go meet up with some of my sisters at another Bar down the street (there are Bars at every corner in this town.haha) for my sister Lisa's 21st birthday smashdown. Haha. When we got there, not that many of the girls had arrived yet, so we just sat around in the dining area and I got a mighty tall glass of Bud Light. After awhile, I finally got to catch up with some of the girls. All went well at first. I greeted the girls, made fun of some other people, etc., etc. But then my roomate starts giving me dirty looks from the side. I tell her that she can come sit with us, but she refuses and stands all the way at a corner by herself instead. I then get a text message from her saying that she had left and that I always "do these things" to her. First of all, what the fuck did I do? I told her that I was going over there to celebrate my sister's birthday and that I may or may not stay for it. What, does she expect me to alter whatever plans or decisions I make all just to please her? Please. She's not that special. I texted her back practically telling her to chill the hell out and she texts me back saying that she "feels betrayed" by me. Oh, and guess who was trying to be nice again to me this morning? Yup, little miss diva! Whatever. I am so happy that after thursday I never have to deal with her again. As one can tell, my roomate and I have a very love/hate relationship. She's the type of girl that can be real nice and a lot of fun one minute, but then the next minute is giving attitudes, raising her voice and just being a complete bitch for no reason. I digress. Anyways, I have been working on my Neurorehab paper here in the library for awhile, and I have to say, it's coming along well. I hope to make it to the References page by the end of today. At 8 I have my last sorority business meeting of the year to attend and then i'll be back at the apartment studying my ass off for my psych/soc. final which I take tommorrow morning. Ready for summer already.

Mood: Zoning out.

Want of the day: To continue getting work done and being productive.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Currently: Last night was fun. Though I was still a little sick and didn't have a voice, I went out anyway.haha. My friends and I first went to the Sports Bar. I had a lot of Beer there cause for some reason I felt that that would be better for my voice. I also had the most disgusting tequila shot in the world. After the Bar we went to the club to meet up with members of the Basketball friends are friends with the Basketball team, not me.haha. Once we got to the club, we met up with some other friends of my friends. I wasn't really in a dancing mood last night (since I was still recuperating) so I settled for just saying random things to my friends and their friends...and of course, letting everyone listen to my sexy, extremely hoarse voice.haha. For one, I told one of the guys we were hanging out with that he looked like Jerry Seinfeld...and then I told the other guy that was hanging out with him that he looked like he had a glow in the dark condom in his pocket...I then told the same guy that he should go dance with this really awkward looking, nerdy girl.Wow. Haha. I get so special when there's alcohol in my system...and I wasn't even that drunk! After the club, we temporarily stopped by my friend's place and then walked to my apartment building. From there I parted ways with the girls and went to bed. And now I am at work trying to get my Neurorehab paper done...i'm not going to lie, it has been difficult. I just don't want to do anything today. What I would really like to do a little later on is meet up with some of my sisters at the Beach...but unfortunately I do not have a ride over there. Fuck. I don't know, I guess I could try begging one of my sisters to take me with them.haha. I'm also hoping that my roomate is in a decent mood, so that we can hit the Bars later on! This is the last weekend of the school year afterall. Why not just go out with a bang?haha.

Mood: Okay.

Want of the day: To have some fun later on.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Friday, May 1, 2009

Currently: My voice is completely gone. *sigh* Because of that, during my Research presentation this morning, no one could barely hear me. It was pretty sad, but oh well. We all know yours truly is the worst public speaker in the world. Anyways, at the library right now. I'm getting ready to start working on my Neurorehab paper. Once i'm done with that, i'm pretty much done with this school year, which I guess is exciting. Later on, I plan on at least trying to go out a little, eventhough my voice has failed me. I am a trooper like that.haha. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Mood: Bleh.

Want of the day: To be productive and have a good time later on.