Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sunday, Feb. 7, 2010

Currently: My professional and personal life is not at as much of a stand still as it was when I last updated. For one, my Fieldwork coordinator was FINALLY able to get one of the facilities I was looking at to say 'yes' to letting me complete my rotation with them...and coincidentally, this facility happened to be the same school that my brother attended for many years. I guess he was my good luck charm, huh? My fieldwork coordinator is still trying to get a 'yes' from a physical disabilities facility, and even has enlisted the help of a fieldwork coordinator at a college close to where I I hope this works out. If not, then I don't mind completing that rotation right here in town. Atleast I know that I could just spend the summer here but will still be able to go back home to complete my Fall rotation at the other facility...but anyways, enough with that. My friend Jenn and I were able to reconcile (well there was never really a 'fight' to begin with, so technically there's nothing to 'reconcile' over, but i'll just use that word anyway)last week and hung out practically the entire weekend. It was great getting to hang out with her again. She happens to be the one person at this school whom I could hang out with anytime and any place and still have fun. Friday night we went to the Bar and then to a club...that night, however did not end too spectacularly, as Jenn ran into some "issues" with another girl she's friends with. I didn't have a bad time though. And last night we first went to the karaoke Bar where we sang "Dreaming of you" by Selena. Afterwards, we went to the club and danced a little. The odd part about that portion of the night though, was when this random house wife-type lady comes up to me on the dancefloor, in awe, and asks if she could touch my breasts cause they were so beautiful. I was completely shocked at what I heard. I tried my best to hold my composure and not give her a complete "are you fucking kidding me?" look. When she asked me the first time, I replied "well, I don't know about that..." to which she then retorts "I am not a lesbian. I am married with two children." At that point, I just wanted to finish dancing the "Cupid Shuffle" and she was in my way, so then I reply "urrrr...okay?" and perk my breasts up for her and she touches them with this look of complete awe and admiration on her face...WOW! After she left me, Jenn, who saw everything, walked up to me and was like "what the hell was that?"...i'll never know. Anyways, after staying at the club for an hour and a half we went home. Next friday we are meeting up again for dinner at some Japanese joint...and she's also trying to get me to go skiing with her on don't know about that.Haha. I guess I shall wait and see. In the meanwhile, I am here at work really wishing (for once) that the time would go by quicker. I have about 23 minutes to go...arrrgggh! After I get out of here, i'm going to get dinner, then go right back to my apartment, where I will be doing a little bit of reading and studying for Pediatrics. And after that i'm off to bed! I have to be up early tommorrow for Gerontology lab at 8 am. I will then be going to the NICU for Pediatrics in the afternoon. All in all it'll be a busy day but not too bad.

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