Friday, October 8, 2010

Friday, Oct. 8, 2010

Currently: So...week 2= success! My supervisor tells me that she is very satisfied with my work so far, and that i've been handling the children I am very happy about that. What I REALLY hope is that they offer me a job over there...that would be great! I'm working on that. : ) In the meanwhile, I can't help but think that although my college experience was in general, better than my high school experience, that I still sort of walked away from it with the same thing; no friends. Jenn hasn't written to me in EONS, I practically don't exist to Sam anymore, the stoners only write to me when they feel like it (like usual), and all of my occupational therapy friends still write to me, but only because they too are completing rotations and want to be nosey. I wonder if they'll still write to me after we all get our masters...I hate to say this, but I doubt it. It is so sad how certain people are just forgotten so easily by others...and it is sad that i'll always be "that person." Needless to say, I think i'm going to do a little clean up of my facebook friends list sometime soon. I know that it's a childish thing to do, but I feel like when I delete someone from my friend's list, at least I never again have to worry about seeing their ugly face pop up on my screen, or reading REALLY annoying status updates from them. And that's that. Monday is Colombus day, so I will not have work and am very happy about that. I need these extra days to think of more activities for my kids. As for tommorrow...i'm in between going to get my tires changed or going to the mall to get a Halloween costume...I really like the mall idea, haha. And tommorrow evening my uncle's most likely going out and is letting me tag along, so i'm looking forward to that, as well. I haven't been out in awhile. Anyways, good night all.

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