Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2011

Currently: Still alive.Haha At the library waiting for the rest of the people I will be working with for a group, ummm...this was the best way to pass time (sorry anybody who actually cares for my pointless rants). But anyways I have been noticing lately that I have been having dreams about that Fillipino douche Jon (aka my low life, backstabbing piece of shit "supervisor" from my summer Fieldwork rotation last year) and they have all been...well...exactly as I would expect them. I know the first dream I had of him involved me going back to the site for a visit (and I really don't know WHY I would go back to that hell hole...maybe to rub in those motherfucker's faces that I'm still going to be an OTR and they HAVE NOT won!)and him promptly running away as soon as he sees me.Haha Definitely expected. The funny thing though is in real life during my (unexpected) last day at the facility he actually had the nerve to tell me that I could call him anytime I had a question or needed help with something...MOTHER FUCKER! What makes you think that I would call you for advice after YOU and your fucking compadres ROYALLY screwed me over after MONTHS of hard work and commitment? I really wanted to smack him but that would add EVEN MORE unecessary bullshit complaints to my records, so I just smiled and nodded and went on my (not so) merry way. I forget the other dream I had of him but I know it involved me seeing him somewhere then seeing those nasty COTA's with him. I guess this all goes to show how much repressed thoughts I STILL hold of those people in the back of my head...but either way I REALLY have to let go of that situation. But realistically I probably won't truly let it go until the day that I get a letter in the mail with my official Occupational Therapy Registration Certificate...or the day I get my first job as an OT. Thankfully though these days are going by a lot faster than I thought they would eventhough I am by myself with a limited amount to do half the time. But I have to say I handle my free time pretty well, considering (though most of it involves me sitting on my ass and watching music videos on You Tube). And not getting a tv and not going on facebook as much were the best decisions I have ever made in my life. My mind is not as cluttered with some of the junk that they show on tv AND I don't have to worry about reading anybody's bullshit status about how "perfect" their life is. This definitely gives me a more clear and less bitter mind. Thumbs up for changes in 2011!!

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