Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Currently: Very late update. Ooops. So yesterday's Man-hate day didn't go exactly as planned. Just as I was trying to mope around and not have contact with anybody, some aquaintances of mine invited me to a party and I couldn't refuse that. So later on that night, I met up at their apartment upstairs and we went to someonelse's apartment off-cmapus. From there, one of the girls and her boyfriend took me to a party entirely off-campus and it was a good time. I had quite a few to drink and played a little drinking game called Fuck the dealer. After that, I proceeded to dance rather intimately with a few of the guys in tow...I was actually grinding on one of their legs and I think we came *nay* close to making out, but I declined it because i'm done with that stuff. It's time to get serious. I also had the luxury and pleasure of *accidentally* sitting on someone's piss and almost getting puked was still a good night though. I ended up spending the night over there, got up at 10:00 am, and was driven back to the apartment. Once I got back, I went back to sleep, then woke up, completed my article for the paper, got ready, got something to eat, went to the library and did some studying, went to my AST meeting, and now here I am. I'm just going to continue studying for things and then call it a night.

Mood: Blah.

Want of the day: None. Day is done.

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