Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Currently: Today has been pretty busy thus far. First, I went to all three classes in a row, then after my final class for the day, I went by the bookstore to pick up a poster board for our new member bake sale advertisement, then I went to the ATM and withdrew some money, then I went down to the mail room and picked up the cookies for the bake sale, then came here to the apartment, changed my hair appointment to accomodate weekend sorority sessions, and already made the poster advertisement. Now, in a few, i'm going over to the library to type up my research paper for theoretical foundations, then I have to come back to the apartment, get ready, and go to Nickname Night at the house. After that, I plan to come back to the apartment and study for the sorority's National Collegiate Exam, as well as do a little bit of reviewing for Anatomy and Philosophy 2. *exhales*...and i'm out!

Mood: Busy and allover the place.

Want of the day: That things continue on the right track.

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