Saturday, December 27, 2008

Saturday, Dec. 27, 2008

Currently: Today was a crazy day in many ways. First off, I drove over to the bank to pick up some money, and then I went to the smoke shop to pick up some cigarettes. From there, I went to my best friend's house to pick her up and go to the mall, since she had wanted to hang out today. Traffic was ridiculous today and people were being really dumb for no reason, which is what made the ride over to her place and then to the mall particularly insane. We didn't stay at the mall too long though, because she had to be back home on time to go to some dinner party with her aunt. So after the mall, she let me drop her off at some random Burger King joint to meet up with her aunt and then I drove home. Now here is where insane bullshit part two comes in. As soon as I parked my car, our asshole neighbor comes out and tells me, in an extremely rude manner, that I should no longer park in front of his house and that I have my own house to park in front of and should do so there...when the old cunt CLEARLY sees that I have no room to park in front of my house because father dearest has his huge ass mini van parked there...and getting him to put the thing back in the driveway would cause him to throw a fucking hissy fit. So I went back into my house in a rush, forgetting to pull up one of the back windows cause I was that pissed off, and told my mother what he had said. Father dearest then goes outside and finally moved the van over some, allowing more room for my car. People. I swear. Which is why I am so glad that humans mean absolutely nothing to me anymore. *sigh* But other than that, I can say I had a good day. I put in a dating ad on Craigslist. Haha. And good news is, I already have plenty of suitors. Let's see where that exploit will take me. Anyways, about to go call it a night in a few. Good night!

Mood: Okay.

Want of the day: None.

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