Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thursday, Nov. 18, 2010

Currently: I am oficially 23 years of age as of today!!!! It was a great day. I got plenty of birthday messages/texts (even from people I least expected, like my ex-roomate whom I left on not so good terms with, and my former best friend from elementary school), and as soon as I walked into work today, I see a gift bag for myself with a message from my supervisor...along with brownies! That was so nice of her. I really appreciated it. After that, I went to room 29 to pick up one of my students for therapy and as soon as I walked in everyone in the room started singing happy birthday to me, and then the teacher of that class presented me with a special birthday crown and 'happy birthday' certificate. I was also serenaded by one of my students and he threw me birthday kisses. It was cute. I ate at the mall today, and on my way home decided to stop at the liquor store to pick up some sweet yea, it's been a great day all around. : ) It just goes to show you how much BETTER my co-workers at the school are than those low-life scum mother fuckers from the Home...they definitely make up for all I went through over at the Home, and I am thankful for that. As soon as I got home, I took a picture with my crown on. So right now i'm about to have some dinner and then have a little bit of my scrumptious-looking ice cream cake...I may or may not also have a little bit of that sweet nectar, but we shall see.

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