Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday, June 24, 2011

Currently: Today was a crazy ending to week 8. For one, I had to help transfer a dead weight stroke patient to the toilet this morning and she ended up pooping allover my Supervisor's pants and shoes!...I'm not going to lie, it was kind of funny. But what also got me nervous with this transfer was then having to get her BACK to her chair. At that point it was just me and one of the CNA's (because my Supervisor had run home to change at that point)and she (the CNA) just looks at me and says "WE are going to put her back in her chair"...she expected me to transfer a dead weight stroke patient who required even more than 2 people to transfer her back to her chair. As scared as I was to do this, I literally held my breath, thought to myself "whatever you do, DO NOT drop this lady!" and just went for it. I swear, that was one of the scariest moments of my life. I kind of cried inside, i'm not going to lie. And on top of that, I had another patient who went out to the hospital because his stump (he's an amputee) started bleeding uncontrollably, and then another patient who was sick and throwing up all morning. Again, WHAT A DAY! And might I say too that the girl from my class who started the job at my fieldwork facility is already getting on my damn nerves (like I expected)? For one, I fucking HATE the fact that she continually feels the need to remind me that i'm STILL a I don't need anymore reminders! And the crazy part is, this bitch knows my story and why I ended up having to re-do another fieldwork...and YET she does this shit to me? This afternoon in particular, she has the nerves to tell me in a snarky manner "oh wow, looks like you're going to be stuck doing nothing until Sarah (my supervisor) comes back since you're a student and all..."...THAT BITCH! I swear, if I had a dollar for the amount of times in my life that I had to hold back from punching a bitch in the face, i'd be a multi-millionaire! Very needless to say, I need a damn drink...and am going to get one...NOW!

4 more weeks to go (not even excited about it anymore)

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