Saturday, June 25, 2011

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Currently: As of today I am officially done with ALL people! Fuck friendship and relationships, unfortunately those two words DO NOT exist in my life. I have come to this conclusion after a conversation I had last night with Sam, who had the nerve to tell me that she started hanging out with me "...because it seemed like no one else wanted to hang out with you," and then added that she became my friend "...because after awhile I just got used to hanging out with you." ...Who fucking says that to their friends? And what makes her think that I actually CARE that no one from the sorority talks to me? I don't give two shits! So hearing that from her definitely drew the nail into the coffin of my relationship with humans. I'm just so tired of being disappointed and screwed over by people. You know I also had another so-called "friend" of mine who got married last month and I sent her a card since I couldn't physically be at the wedding (since she lives all the way in California), and she didn't send me a "thank you" or even tell me whether or not she received the I wrote to her on facebook asking if she received it and she never answered me! How fucking rude is that? Like I said, DONE!

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