Thursday, March 29, 2012

Dani's Rant:A Rant on...that Time.

WARNING: The following passage contains subject matter of a sensitive female nature. If you are a male, I recommend you read no further than this paragraph. You have been warned.

I have been noticing a couple things about myself when I get my period lately. For one, before I get my period I am always hungry! And when I say hungry I mean hungry to an EXTREME! Like constantly craving a snack or a meal hungry. And I crave for things that are horrid for my body like Chinese food, pasta, chocolate, etc. And then a couple of days before my period, I find myself barely having the strength to get out of bed and literally FORCING myself. And then when I finally do get up, I feel like I was asleep under a boulder all other words, I feel like complete garbage. And when my Period finally decides to show, I literally know when it's there...without even having to go to the bathroom to discover it. I know because I almost always have some sort of cramp underneath my belly...followed by a sensation of "something" flowing out of my vagina...and then I go to the bathroom and lo and behold! And the worst part of all is when i'm on my period i'm horny as all hell. Ironically, when i'm not on my period I do not think about sexual relations at, never. But as soon as I get my period, I have these sexual urges and I lust like crazy over any guy I could think of, whether it be Michael B. Jordan, my imaginary boyfriend Jason, or some other guy I may find attractive. In the meanwhile, it is the most inappropriate time for me to be longing for sex...I mean, I am bleeding out of my vagina for chrissakes! I never used to get horny during my Period whatsoever. As a matter of fact, my period used to be merely an event full of pain, throwing up, and numbness. Basically, my period has always made me sick...ever since I was a teenager at least. But my menstrual symptoms were never this extreme! I am even PMSing now...that is also something I never used to do. The other day before my period decided to arrive for this month, I was very agitated and mean-spirited for no reason! And not only that, once I got to work I could just feel that something wasn't right so I decided to take my blood pressure and it was higher than usual. I then started feeling anxious and apprehensive for no apparent reason. I really don't understand any of these symptoms and why they are appearing at this time of my life, but for now i'm going to assume that it has to do with me getting older. They sure don't make it any easier for me to cope with that time of the month.

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