Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday, Feb. 20, 2009-The Airing of Grievances

Currently: This week (if you hadn't guessed already) has been pretty shitty for myself. I have just been thinking all week; what is the real point for my existence? I try and I try to be myself, and treat others well and get myself out there, but still I get criticism (via one of my professors) that I need assertiveness training, and that some of my ways aren't very "professional." Seriously, what do you want from me, people? I was also speaking with my mother last night and it turns out that my aunt is raising hell back at home...for what reason? I don't know. She's one of those selfish bitches who wants everything her way or the high way, and if she doesn't get her way, watch out! She will take her shit out on the nearest, most vulnerable, most convenient people...which in this case happens to be my family. GREAT! Just what I need as the special cherry topping to this shit week. I really don't understand people. I mean, I go through my shit, I NEVER get my way, but you don't see me taking it all out on others. That is not the way I am, and yet I am surrounded by people like that. Just leave me the fuck alone! How about that? I also hate people who take support systems and relationships for granted. Today my "friend" (I don't know if she's even that to me anymore) proclaimed to me pretty much that she refuses to go out if her boyfriend's not in town...ok little miss princess, how would you feel if you DIDN'T have someone and had to settle for just going out without a date? Would you survive? Would you try to kill yourself as you attempted to before? She is so ridiculous and dependednt on men to survive, it's fucking annoying...and yet she has the fucking nerve to tell ME who has been single all my life and has had to deal with TEN TIMES the pain of being lonely, to stop worrying about such thing! The girl couldn't even survive being single for a couple of months! Dumb christian hag. ....I'm sorry, i'm really getting ahead of myself. I just need a nap...or something. As soon as i'm done with work that's exactly what i'm going to do. And hopefully later on tonight I can cleanse my system with some alcohol. Sounds like a plan.

Mood: Bleh.

Want of the day: To have some fun tonight.

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